Squad 44 is a WW2 simulation game, focusing on historical accuracy, large scale battles, a difficult learning curve and an intense need for cohesion, communication and teamwork.
Over 20 historically accurate maps based on archives, maps and aerial pictures.
40 versus 40 players, on foot, operating tanks, field guns, artillery, armored recon and more.
From cars to heavy tanks, you will find a wide range of accurately remodeled vehicles.
50 Weapons from bolt action rifles to binoculars and canteens
Vehicles using realistic values, such as turret speed, armor thickness, and internal damage.
Create, Add, Modify content to Squad 44 with our development kit made available to the community.
Call in Supports such as heavy artillery, strafing and bombing runs while commanding squads to secure objectives.
Base building, fortification and barricades. Logistic and supply runs to help fortify your position and re-arm friendlies.
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